Oh, Those Tantalizing Aromas in Peoria Heights

A while back we wrote about the various reasons why a customer would prefer to do business with Sports Corner in Peoria Heights.  We left out one really big one.  Where else can you park your car and walk through such a vast array of restaurant aromas?  The Heights has become a restaurant mecca and people are drawn to all of them.  We really doubt you can buy screened T-Shirts and embroidered apparel from any other location and experience the tantalizing food aromas that are a trademark now of Peoria Heights.  Come check it out!

Peoria Heights Half Marathon March 31

There is a great event coming up on March 31 that we want to specifically endorse and support.  It benefits the Children's Hospital of IL and the Heart of IL Special Recreation Association.  We are happy to be printing the T- shirts for the event. The website for more information is shown below:


Check it out and enjoy the beautiful weather (hopefully!) and the breath-taking views along Grand View Drive.

Spirit Wear Fundraising Makes Everyone Happy

Schools have learned that selling spirit wear like Screenprinted T-Shirts and Sweatshirts, Embroidered Hats and Jackets, etc. is a great way to raise money.  Some of the more popular orders are for:

- School spiritwear
- Athletic teams and clubs
- Band members
- Science fairs
- Academic bowls
- Graduation shirts and Class shirts
- Faculty polo shirts

We can show you how to effectively price the apparel so you end up at the end of the day with a healthy profit for the group. Plus, you will have happy students and faculty who are showing pride in what they do.  That makes for a successful program.  Multiply that by the number of different groups who need money throughout the year and you can see that fundraising apparel can make a big difference in profits. It sure beats going door to door in the neighborhood asking for contributions!